20 E 5th Street (PO Box 510 for mail)
Washington, MO 63090
Office Hours: M-Th: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
F: 8:30-12:00 p.m.
Core Beliefs
What are the beliefs of St. Peter's United Church of Christ?
The Trinity
Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit are one God.
Jesus Christ
In Christ, the only head of the church, God has come, conquering sin and reconciling the world to Divine Love.
The Church
The church consists of a group of people united in Christ through worship, work and witness.
Doctrinal Freedom
Different covenants and confessions of faith are accepted in different congregations.
Forgiveness, grace and eternal life are promised to all who have faith.
Bearing Witness
Members must be disciples, in word and in deed -- the strength of their faith.
Acting in love, God is ever active in the world.
The Holy Spirit
God sent the Holy Spirit as the Eternal One's continuing presence and activity in the world.
Authority of the Scriptures
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and our primary source for understanding the Good News.
Redefining Faith
Each generation has the freedom to rethink its beliefs. There is yet more light and truth to break forth from God's Holy Word.
Christian Unity
All Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ and must help each other.
Serving Others
The mission of the church is to work for justice for all and to establish God's rule in the world.