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The Boards of St. Peter's Church are elected to provide administrative support to the church council in the areas of responsibilities defined.

Cemetery Board

This board insures that the St. Peter's United Church of Christ Cemetery is properly maintained and cared for, enforce all regulations governing the cemetery, and arrange for the sale of lots and burials subject to the fee schedule as approved by the congregation.  This board makes an annual written report concerning its activities and budget status to the church council and the congregation.  All income received from investments, the sale of lots and burials, and disbursements are provided to the church council each month and made part of the church council’s monthly treasurer's report.

Board of Christian Education

It is the purpose of this board to supervise and direct the programs of Christian Education of St. Peter's United Church of Christ.  This includes the youth programs and all educational endeavors. 

Internal Review Board

The duties of this board are to review the books of the treasurer of the church council, the cemetery board and all of the organizations that operate under the church’s federal tax identification number.  Functions include, but are not limited to, reviewing selected bank reconciliations; sampling canceled checks for the supporting documentation; and verifying investment activity for the year. 

Building & Grounds Board

The duties of this board are to oversee and supervise the care of the church properties, including oversight of all property maintenance and liability insurance policies. This board currently meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm.

Finance Board

The board is charged with prudent management of the funds of St. Peter’s United Church of Christ.  The board is responsible for promoting stewardship and encouraging generosity, coordinating special fundraising appeals, preparing the budget for the next year, and providing oversight for the church’s endowment funds.  The board may, when needed, invite the assistance of members who have special expertise in these areas in order to fulfill its mission.

WERF Board

The Washington Emergency Relief Fund Board has the following duties: establishing policies for responding to emergency financial needs, providing oversight of activities and procedures, and soliciting funds from United Way and foundation grants.


20 E 5th Street (PO Box 510 for mail)

Washington, MO 63090

Office Hours: M-Th: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

                        F: 8:30-12:00 p.m.


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